
Digitizer with 10G Ethernet data offload

D-TACQ ships the first ACQ2206 systems with 10G Ethernet.

10 Gigabit Hardware Ethernet implementation "UDPX", streams capture data at up to 800MB/s. Low cost, high performance data streaming to standard PC hardware.

  • Example System:
    • ACQ2206 + 6xACQ424ELF, 192ch, x 1MSPS Simultaneous ADC
    • Streams data on 10G UDP at 400MB/s.
    • Data format: 192 x int16 (ADC), 1 x u32 (SPAD0)
    • SPAD0 is the sample count, we strongly recommend including this on all streaming data so that the receiver is always aware of the position of the data. Additional SPAD fields (elapsed time in usec, White Rabbit TAI time, user fields) are available.